Donate to the Minyan

Click here to return to our main website.

*Do NOT use this page to pay for High Holidays, a Yeshiva class, or to renew your membership. 

  • Please use our Yeshiva Page to direct your payments towards a specific teacher. Use this page to make a donation to support the Yeshiva program in general.  Note that donations made on this page ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE, while donations made to a specific teacher/class are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.
  • Sign up for Membership here
  • In the fall, register for High Holidays here

If you would like to direct your donation in a way not listed below, use "General" and indicate your intentions in the "Note" field below (under "Supporter Profile")

Do not enter a dollar sign.
The Tzedakah Fund is the equivalent of a Rabbi's Discretionary Fund. Donations can only be distributed following the non-profit rules of "Benevolent Love Gifts":
The Rabbi Fund supplements the Rabbi's pay above what the minyan can now afford:
The Yeshiva-Educaion Fund supports the Yeshiva program in general. Is tax-deductible but cannot be used to pay a specific teacher for a class.
The Tikkun Olam Fund supports the work of the committee.
Supports all documentary and archival activities such as Dan Howard's project, "Sacred Sparks – 50 Years of the Aquarian Minyan"
To pay quarterly or monthly, set up recurring payments by checking the "I want to contribute..." box below.

Quarterly: enter the number 3 in the month(s) box, 4 in the installments box.
Monthly: enter the number 1 in the month(s) box, 12 in the installmens box.
NOTE: If you leave the installments box empty you will be billed indefinitely until you choose to cancel.
Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
Select an option to reveal honoree information fields.
If this donation is in memory of someone, you can enter their date of death and whether it was before/after sunset. You will then be notified of their Yahrzeit annually. Leave this field blank if you are not sure or if you think we already have this info.
Donations to the Aquarian Minyan are tax deductible. Our 501(c)(3) number is 94-2516580. You must provide a snail mail address in order to receive a tax summary letter of your donations in January.
Supporter Profile
Give us further instructions. If you "attended" one of our events via livestream, and are making a contribution now to cover what would have been your admission cost, please indicate the event here. Please us the Yeshiva payment page in order to direct payments towards a specific teacher.
How did you hear about the Minyan? Please enter the name of the person or organization that referred you to us:
Leave this blank if you do not know it

The information you provide will NOT be shared with any third party organisations.

Thank you for your generosity!